Civil Engineering Association

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can anyone explain how to assign wind load on structure in ETABS using the diaphragm concept?
You must assign rigid diaphragm to floor (area/joint) by use assign diaphragm
When you assign load case, select wind load type and you can select auto standard such as ASCE7-05 it will automatically applied load to diaphragm.
Also you can choose user define in wind load case to assign the value of wind load to each floor diaphragm in term of table.
Dear nuttapolk,

1. select all slab elements, then assign diaphragm.
2. define wind load case such as windx and windy.
3. define load combination.

Is that as simple as this? Really appreciate.


It is not necessary to fill the outside walls of the model. Etabs takes the surface wind pressure as the distance between the floor diaphragm. It means that even you don't get walls in te model, the surface pressure will be calculate on the virtual walls. It is very powerful for structural models.

Best regards

Dear zipatton,

in my model, it consists of walls itself only. very less beam and column.
So, what's ur opinion?
No problem,

You can get the surface you want in the table of "load pattern" of wine and then make all the amenagement you want. So if you have walls it is OK. The problem is when you do not get walls (openings buildings). And then, you use the load pattern table.
Please read carefully the manual called "latearal load", chapter 2. It is well explained (as usual with CSI).

Hope it is hlepful for you.
Best regards
