10-01-2010, 10:05 AM
Hi to all..
i have to teach to a little group of guys the basic use of Inventor 2011.
I have license, but obsiusly i can't use a medicined version for their laptop to learn during the class.
And the 30 days trial is to short for use it.
So i thought to use the student version, but these guys aren't so young to be considered students..
any ideas to pass this form? And finally use the student version.
Thank you all!
i have to teach to a little group of guys the basic use of Inventor 2011.
I have license, but obsiusly i can't use a medicined version for their laptop to learn during the class.
And the 30 days trial is to short for use it.
So i thought to use the student version, but these guys aren't so young to be considered students..
any ideas to pass this form? And finally use the student version.
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Thank you all!
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