What is the international cost for the hour of Structural Engineering?
I dont if there is average cost for this or depend in the country.
Any opinion will help :clap:
you are talking about 1 hour worked in structural organization or 1 hour work done for private purpose...
i mean in an organization (if convert monthly pay of a senior struc. eng) its aroung 20 USD/hour...but working per hour rate is high than traditional monthly pay...
secondly if you are working privately its like:-
$/site visit
$/stuc. sheet
$/hour etc. (uncommon)
$/project (lum sum)
again all these depend on location and experience...
i give u an example, in pakistan, a 3-5 year exp. structural engineer gets
25 US$/site visit
350 US$/structural work (lum sum) of a small work say 2 storey building
and i think 2 US$/hour for part time...(about this im not sure)
I would say it is very different between country at least that what i 've been experience with and also different between type of business sector although the job position is the same in this case structural engineer. The take home pay in foreign epc for oil and gas in my country is between usd 8-20usd/hour while for local epc is about 3-10usd.
While in foreign engineering firm for building & infra is around usd 3-12 usd/hour and for local usd 1-5 usd/hour. The different between oil and gas/mining industry and bulding & infra cause most engineers to pursue career in oil and gas industry, though in my experience with oil ang gas/mining, i become more and more inexperience too many idle time and not too many creative work it's almost like cookbook all have recipes not to mention it's very difficult to get side job there:). It's look unfair: less work more pay in oil and gas and more work less pay in building & infra. Luckily side job in the building and infra is numerous so take your chances.
Dear friends,
one questions,
All that is the cost for square meter of structural design of buildings? in your countries....
Hi veggeta
No, what i explain is salary. The fee for side job also different. In my country the fee for building design is between 1usd-1.5usd/m2. I think it is the cheapest in the world. With so many new engineering firms, it is more like battlefield to lower the fee and some even almost half of it. So what about your country?
in my design work group, hourly cost of engineer is 30 euro.
fee for building design (only structural design of standard buildings, no architecture or instalations) is about 2 euro per square meter
30 euro is very big from. From here we already know the different between developed country and 3rd world country, so which country where u from?. But how about your average living cost, how much you can save every month?
Indeed, but its a little specific situation - i work in a pretty big (and specialized) company with lots of non-money-generating staff (accountants,secretaries...) that we engineers must support.
I think smaller companies here can go alot cheaper
I wouldnt go offtopic much with living costs - lets just say its the same as everywhere these last few years :dash2:
in my country we seldom work base on engineering hour.
a rough scale, a completed design/drafted A1 drawing cost about usd150/sheet for layout. detail drawing usd75/sheet. excluding proffesional endorsement and all others running around for the job.
and just for sake of comparison. a simple meal cost usd 3 and monthly rent of a house in the city cost usd400.
In the US the fee for the Structural Engineer of Record is typically 4% to 5% of the total building cost.