Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Speed Test "NET 3.5" vs "Intel Fortran"
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Now I have extended my speed comparison test for solving of system of 1000 linear equations.
This test consists of NET application connected to MKL dll, so all mathematical calculations has been done by MKL.
Also, again I run all tests.
My computer spec is:
CPU: MD Turion TL-58 x2 1.9GHz,

Here are the results:
- VB Net 3.5: 4.9sec
- VB Net 4.0: 12.5sec
- Intel Fortran: 10.15sec
- VB Net 3.5 with MKL -dll: 0.15sec

I can not figure out how can application with framework 3.5 be so much faster than other applications, especially faster than framework 4.
So, If we compare NET vs. Intel Fortran then Intel Fortran is winner. Intel Fortran needs 10.15sec to solve 1000 linear algebra equations, while Net 4 need 12.5sec.

At the end I will conclude that if we are using MKL then the same equations will be solved in 0.15sec.
From all performed tests the winner is MKL with incredible 0.15sec.

Here is VB NET and MKL-dll source code and all executable files. If you need the source codes from other executable files you can find them in links given in previous posts.
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