I have de Etabs 9.5 version. I am designing a 40-story building with steel, the proplem that I am facing is that when asigning the steel deck between the secondary beams and run the analysis. I do not get any warning, yet after steel frame design, It only appears the information on some beams and all columns, but there are several beams without information.
The thing is that by changing the deck section to a comon slab section and reruning the analisys and design, the information of every beams and columns appeared.
So I wanted to know what is the problem here, because I need to use steel deck in my building
pls post the input file first, thanks
If you asigned filled deck section the secondary beams will be treated as composite therefore they are not designed when conducting steel design. If you want them to be checked you should run composite design.
Cheers ![/i]
Well, first I don't know how to upload the etabs file so that you can check it, so please tell me how. The file is 7 mb without the analysis run.
I believe I find a solution, the thing is that when using steel deck (filled deck) with steel beams, etabs automatically define them as composite beam. I specially decided not to use composite beams, in other words, I decided to make the steel deck and secondary beams to work separately, without a share conection. Therefore when defining the filled deck, I put a tensile strengh very low (0.000001) in the composite deck stud.
What I did in order to make the software treate the beams as I wanted, was to change the design procedure for them, from "composite beam" to "steel design". After I have done that, etabs designed every beam I have in my model. What do you think about my solution?
I wanted to define a steel deck without studs, but the software doesn't give you that option, that is why I place a very low tensile strengt for them, what do you think?
I don't know what to say. I think that the software automaticaly considers the secondary beams composite, no matter the shear resistance of the connectorz.
Maybe you should try to use unfilled deck (from slab section options) and assign the load from the concrete manually.
But you can check manually (by hand calculations) one of the typical secondary beams so you can compare the results (is the beam considered composite or not and wether the section is safe or not).
Well, as I previoulsly said, you can change the design procedure of those beams from "composite beams" to " steel design", and the problem is solved. I realize that my suggestion of steel deck without stud ( with a very low tensile strengh) was well consider in my model, because after I run the analysis and design, when using the tables that shows the different material and cuantities used in the model, it said cero studs
Please check my model
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To use Decking slab as floor only to distrbiute load and you want to design beams as a normal steel sections Do not use Deck section as a slab use only Plank section
this section will distribute load only to the secondary steel beams and then you can design these beams as a normal steel sections subjected to M N and Shear
But Be Careful!! When you build your model By Etabs do not use default setting of Steel Deck if you use this option and you change the deck to Plank Etabs will Keep the secondary beam as default and will design as composite also with Plank Floor...
So it is better to build your model by grids and do not use default Deck Option
Finally :
Deck Floor = Secondary beams are composite
Plank Floor= Secondary Beams are Steel (Non composite)
Hoping this is helpful