Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Making searching & adding ebook simpler
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Many times I came across nice boos that I wanted to add to this forum but most of the time I stop short. The reason is that I do not have enough time to search if the book is listed or not and I do not want to double list and get warned for good intention.

I am suggesting that we have mandatory filed for ebook which is ISBN so search will be easier and faster. I know that ISBN is listed in-text for many books but when you search for title only, it will not work

This field will make life easier and whenever someone finds a nice book, he/she can simply check the ISBN and make quick 1 min search.

What are your thoughts on this

Dear Solution,

I don't understand your post fully, sorry. But here is, what I think, the answer to it: usually it is enough to copy-paste the ISBN number in the Search Engine to find the book in the forum - I'm posting that way (sometimes if I'm not sure I weather the book is posted with the ISBN or not I try to find a book looking for authors of it). If you can't find the book you want to post, and you tried to look for it by searching the ISBN or author, then you are free to open a new thread and to post the book - Even if you find the book in the E-Book Archive (taht is locked), you are free to make new thread and to notice in your thread that the book is already posted in the E-Book Section, eventually some of the E-Book Moderators would merge those two threads (a new one and the E-Book Archive one)

Every day I'm trying to complete all of the threads in the E-Book section by adding ISBN and other info - so I believe 80% of the books posted there have appropriate info...

Hope I helped...

With regards