09-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Operations Research (Second Edition)
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Operations Research (Second Edition)
Author(s): P. Rama Murthy
Publisher: New Age International
Date : 2008
Pages : 726
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 8122420699
ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2944-2
Book Review Info:
OPERATIONS RESEARCH is a branch of mathematics which is often needed in Civil Engineering for optimization and decision making problems as a supplement for solution of Problems.
Many authors have written books on Operations Research. Most of them have mathematical approach rather than decision-making approach. Actually the subject deals with applied decision theory, so I have dealt with the subject with decision-theory approach. The book has fifteen chapters.
The first five chapters deal with Linear Programming Problems, such as Resource allocation problem, Transportation problem and Assignment problem?both maximization and minimization versions. In the first chapter, the historical background of Operations Research (O.R.) and definition and objective of the subject matter along with model building is discussed to help the learners to have basic knowledge of O.R. Typical problems of mathematical orientation and decision making orientation have been solved. In transportation model and in assignment model, problems useful to Production and Operations Management have been solved to make the students to know the application part of the subject.
The sixth chapter deals with Sequencing model, where the importance and application of the models is dealt in detail. The problem of Replacement is discussed in Chapter-7. Inventory model with certain topics like ABC, VED, FSN, p-system and q-system is discussed to make the students aware of the importance of Inventory model.
Chapter-9 deals with Waiting line model and its application
with certain useful problems and their solutions. Game theory or Competitive theory is discussed in Chapter-10 with certain problems, which have their application in real world situation.
Dynamic programming is dealt in Chapter-11. The problems worked out have practical significance. Chapter-12 deals with Decision theory where the usefulness of decision tree is discussed. Non-Linear programming is briefly discussed in Chapter-14 with certain useful problems. In Chapter -15, the two network techniques i.e. PERT and CPM have been discussed with typical worked out examples.
At the end of the book, objective type questions, which are helpful for competitive examinations are given to help the students to prepare for such examinations.
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