We use Australian Codes for wnd load design which is not supported in Etabs. To generate this load using ASCE7-02 static wind loads, I modify gust factor =1.05 while other factors according to AS codes required. Could someone tell me my approaching is correct or not?
I am not sure but the first thing is to check the basic wind speed. Some code use gust wind speed some code use mean hourly wind speed. If not same. we need to convert it. I guess this 2 code use same ref wind speed.
Second thing is the zone for pressure coefficient is not the same for these 2 code. May be Australia Codes divides area in to more zones.
If it is necessary to use Australia code, So i think we can use auto wind load (may be asce) with dummy wall to define pressure coefficient.
Thanks, have we got any formulas to convert thw basic wind speed from 3s gust to 10m gust? I believe that since this is solvable, we can convert in equivalent.
Any ideas
Yes there is a chart in ASCE7 to convert gust wind speed to hourly wind speed.
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ASCE using 3s gust and BS 6399 using Mean Hourly Wind Speed. I am not sure about 10m gust. It is to highlight that 3s gust wind speed to be measured at 10m from the ground level.
I think may be it is 10s gust. Some countries use 10s gust for basic wind speed.
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