08-14-2010, 02:58 PM
The Channel Tunnel story
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We have written The Channel Tunnel Story from two distinct perspectives. We make no apology for this, but it does merit a little explanation.
Firstly, we wanted to stress that this was a construction project. This may seem an obvious statement, but with so much of the media coverage focused on the financial and legal aspects of the scheme, we felt there was a danger that the huge achievements of the construction workers—10 of whom were killed on the project—would be forgotten. Of course the financial difficulties and contractual rows form a major part of the book.
But in a small way we tried to redress the balance back towards the construction process hence why the three interviews contained in the book are all with people from contractor Transmanche Link—former chief executive Jack Lemley, UK tunnelling director John King, and tunnel miner Graham Fagg.
Secondly, the book is written from a British perspective. This is partly because we have been covering the project for the best part of the last decade from Britain. But it also reflects that the Channel Tunnel was a far more controversial project in Britain than in France. The political opposition was stronger, the interest was greater—indeed in some
strange way the tunnel seemed to threaten a change in Britain’s whole national identity.
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