08-03-2010, 06:03 PM
Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations
Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations, high quality scan
* Author: J. Hemsley
* Hardbound ISBN: 9780727725943
* Publication Date: August 1998
* Format: Hardbound
Book Summary
This book explains the flexural analysis of plain raft foundations and related ground-bearing structures. It illustrates the basic principles of this difficult subject and includes many topics ranging from the distortion of an elastic half-space to the analysis and design of complex raft foundations using computer-based methods. It contains extensive numerical results, and examines the practical effects of soil-structure interaction by means of several case histories.
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Table of Contents
* Plane strain analysis of elastic half-space
* Plane strain flexure of infinite plate or elastic half-space
* Plane strain flexure of infinite plate on Winkler springs
* Symmetric plane strain flexure of finite plate on elastic half-space
* Antisymmetric plane strain flexure of finite plate on elastic half-space
* Axisymmetric vertical loading of elastic half-space
* Combined vertical and radical axisymmetric loading of elastic half-space
* Elastic deformation of transversely isotropic half-space under uniformily loaded triangular region
* Axisymmetric elastic flexure of infinite plate on half-space
* Axisymmetric elastic flexure of infinite plate on Winkler springs
* Elastic flexure of infinite plate on half-space under irregular loading
* Elastic flexure of infinite plate on Winkler springs under irregular loading
* Axisymmetric elastic flexure of circular raft foundations
* LGeneral analysis of raft foundations
* Influence of wall superstructure for circular raft foundations under axisymmetric condiions
* Influence of wall superstructure for circular raft foundations under asymmetric conditions
* Application of raft analysis to building structures
* Appendix
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