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I am a student from Romania. Recently the eurocodes become some kind of national codes, but u can not find any books in romanian , like decoding EC7 . I would like that for my next year graduate exam to present a structure completly calculated with the aid of the EC. If someone can help me to provide same drawings and calculated steps of the project would be great. I am intersted in concret buidings.
Or if u have a book in english that shows the steps in design of a building would be great.
Thank you in advance.
Dear hapsea,
"Worked examples for the design of concrete buildings" would help you find what you need. You can download it from the following link:
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Wish you all the best
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thank you for the book. it is very ussefull
do you have this 2 books mentioned in the text of the book :
-NAD- national aplication document
- Designed and detailed (BS8110:1985) from Higgins and Roger
i need them to make the corelation between UK an Romanian national anexes
You can get Designed and detailed (BS8110:
1997) from Higgins and Roger here
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i don't know if this is the one you are looking for (I think it is!).
In you paper you will need only EC2 and EC7, without EC8?
For the seismic design you will use the national seismic design code or EC8?
i will use the national seismic design code. this code is according with EC8.