Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Eurocodes thread
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Grunf and peixoto have done a great job. The eurocodes thread is now crystal clear (No duplicate posts, cross references, old versions, spam, etc).:yes:

But should it be closed? In my opininon there is more work to be done.

You can not apply the eurocodes without having the National Application Documents (NAD) which are different for every country. In the past there were cases you had to obtain the code again because the NAD was not published seperately. Not sure what is the current status.

I am proposing to reopen the thread so that we can exchane NAD's.

Also some of the references and the bibliograhy of the eurocodes are very hard to find. Perhaps they could be posted also.

Any suggestions on the subject?
Threads like this one must be closed and updated only by moderators. Everyone can post in other thread or send a PM and i'm sure Grunf will specify the source but i don't want to see here after too much work the same questions and requests as in regular threads. The target is to find in a single place an organized material and not the everyday naggers with - give me other link, i badly need the australian code too or thankssssssssssss (sorry if i missed some s).
Dear members,

I'm happy and willing to help if I can. Concerning NAD's and other EC bibliograpyh - every memeber is free to point out any kind of suggestions or wishes to me or to other mods or in some (right) section of the forum for all of us. Dear members you are alway free to open a GOOD thread on your own and organize it on your own way as long as it is in accordance with ALL of the rules of CivilEA (if you are not sure in posting in accordance to the rules, just follow CivilEA's staff (Protestors's and Moderator's) principle of posting and you will be on a right way) - if you have a good material (e.g. NAD's) if you have good idea, then you are free to organize one (or even few) good thread(s) on your own... if you need help organizing thread(s), ask someone of the mods (ask me if you don't want to ask no one else - if I have free time, I'll do my best to help you organize a thread you want to have organized)
(i'm working every day in E-Book section to have it organized in accordance to CivilEA's rules and to have concise section with uniform threads (with the tile and cover image on the right upper spot, with the ISBN number(s), description AND, what is most importat thing, that we all have working links))

I just know, I'm sure 101% if the EC thread is opened, there would be at least 20 unuseful posts, all kind of spams, thank_you_posts and all kind of requests... If you have any kind of problems with any of the threads in CivilEA's forum (including EC thread), you are always free to ask someone of the forum staff to help you or to clear things...

With regards
I Think Grunf option of closing this thread was the best! I will try to send some NAD's and background stuff to Grunf so he can update this thread... Or we can try to get all NAD's we can get and when we have a good set, we may open a new thread with Nad's only (maybe one thread per country.). But in my opinion, this kind of threads must be closed, to keep things clear and organized...
I would also like to thank Grunf for his time and excellent work in Eurocode's thread!
