07-12-2010, 03:38 PM
Bentley CulvertMaster (Trial)
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Bentley CulvertMaster Test is an extremely powerful, yet easy-to-use program that helps civil engineers design and analyze culvert hydraulics, from single barrel to complex multi-barrel culverts with roadway overtopping. You will be able to use Bentley CulvertMaster within minutes of installing it. Just click the appropriate button to create a new analysis, design, or Quick Culvert Calculator Worksheet. Then enter data in clearly labeled fields with full context-sensitive help, and click to calculate. It is really that easy. Bentley CulvertMaster also allows you to solve for most hydraulic variables, including culvert size, flow, and headwater, as well as plot and generate output for rating tables showing computed flow characteristics.
You have a choice of culvert barrel shapes, including circular pipes, pipe arches, boxes and more. Flow calculations handle pressure and varied flow situations such as backwater and drawdown curves. Design discharge can be calculated using either the Rational or SCS method. Rainfall information is calculated using rainfall tables, equations, or the National Weather Services’ Hydro-35 data. Bentley CulvertMaster also plots Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves. Bentley CulvertMaster’s flexible reporting feature allows you to print the design and analysis results in report format or as a graphical plot.
Trial Version
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![[Image: 52212277719545272522.gif]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/52212277719545272522.gif)
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/Download.png)
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