Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: P-M interaction on Etabs
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Pages: 1 2

I am not sure but I think the following should help:

First of all when you define your reinforcement for the particular section of interest you should make sure to tick the "Reinforcement to be checked" button. After you perform your analysis you can perform the concrete design. By right clicking on the member of interest the Concrete design information comes up. Clicking on the interaction button will reveal the PM diagram. The arrows at the bottom left allow you to rotate the "slice" of interest in the diagram. You do that until you get the angle which equals arctan(M22/M33). Once you have your angle right you go to the line that contains the axial load (P) of interest. In order for you section to not have failed the moments should be smaller than the ones you read at the line of inerest. I hope this helps.
Pages: 1 2