Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Experts,please help me.
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Hi everyone,

I've been training in a company called "Consolidated Consultants" for nearly a month now, and every single day I hear more about earthquake engineering .
started to read in the topic but I'm totally lost now,and every one that I ask says that its hard for a bachelor degree student to study earthquake engineering alone, but no way I'll take that for an answer .

Dear members who have studied earthquake engineering please give some advice about how to gradually start studying the topic,what are the best references to consider.

P.S. I took a look at what is in the forum concerning earthquake engineering but honestly I don't know where to start.

Thank you for your time reading and responding .
Dear deadlord, earthquake engineering is not a independant discipline. It needs some other knowledge like structural engineering, concrete or steel structure design,...wich are not very simple to understand alone, it needs engineering courses, practise....
But let me suppose that you have this knowledge, then to start, I suggest you to read some courses concerning strutural dynamics, how to find natural frequencies, natural modes of vibration and then different method to calculate displacement in plastic domain, and general consideration in earthquake resistent structures
after that, you can focuse on codes such as Eurocode 8.
Good luck
i think "Dynamics of Structure" by Anil K. Chopra would be a great start to start learning dynamics and the basics of earthquake engineering. then you may focus on the local codes of earthquake engineering.

I suggest you start with the basic first. I would recommend Dynamics of Structures A Primer by Anil Chopra. Then you can look the detailed books such as the other book by Anil Chopra - Dynamics of Structures as recommended by Ikoleci then the local codes.

i think it will be helpful if you say what exactly you now, i mean, in terms of structural mechanics whad do you know till now? be cuz if you know all the basics of structural mechanics very well, i guess it will not be hard to start, if u know nothing about it, it's imposible.
the modern key words of hearthquake eng. are "nonlinear dynamic behaviour of structures"