Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Austroad Manuals
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Can someone upload manuals from Austroad like:

AGRD01/06 Guide to Road Design - Part 1: Introduction to Road Design
AGRD02/06 Guide to Road Design - Part 2: Design Considerations
AGRD03/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 3: Geometric Design
AGRD04/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 4: Intersections and Crossings - General
AGRD04A/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections
AGRD04B/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 4B: Roundabouts
AGRD04C/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 4C: Interchanges
AGRD05/08 Guide to Road Design - Part 5: Drainage Design
AGRD06A/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths
AGRD06B/09 Guide to Road Design - Part 6B: Roadside Environment
AGRD07/08 Guide to Road Design - Part 7: Geotechnical Investigation and Design

hmmm... seems impossible to find it right?