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Full Version: robot spread sheet calculator 2011
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in previous versions there were default modules available in spread sheet for calculation. i cant open any library (module) in this version. Can anyone guide me?
same problem dear , Hope someone will help us very soon :wacko2:
(05-22-2010, 07:07 AM)warrior68 Wrote: [ -> ]HI
same problem dear , Hope someone will help us very soon :wacko2:

Use Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis 2011 SP1 from CIVILEA Autodesk Products.
Happy to see a new user knows how to search the forum and knows how to read (and many old ones don't). I didn't answer you before because i spent my time to install the soft for creating those screenshots. I hope it's what you want and it's enough to convince you.

[Image: 61026988367023349398.gif]
[Image: 45722814856374188369.gif]
[Image: 02369131907023389574.gif]
well i did install that but its still not working as shown in picture below
[Image: 55572459316084570892.jpg]
In my installation I used Robot Structural Analysis 2011 SP1 from CIVILEA But the problem is the same .I think ther's a problem with office or something like that I'm working on it
if I got anything new I'll post it

thanks to all :preved:
The only problem with office is this update but it is limited for one spreadsheet only.
[Image: 75416283225472440730.gif]
When the spreadsheet add-in stop working even repairing Office don't help. When the add-in stop you cannot close Excel and need to stop processes Excel and EsopStart in task manager.
I can tell you, after a few hours after posting the previous screenshots the add-in stop working. After repairing the robot (Control Pannel/Add or Remove Programs... Change/Repair it commeback working. When the software works you must see In the Robot Menu:

[Image: 04961464565338295985.gif]

and in the spreadsheet even when opening the spreadsheet alone from other programs menu in Program Files.

[Image: 63770469304076203375.gif]

The active proccesses will be Excel, EsopStart and EsopApp and not only the first two proccesses.
When the application don't works you will see in Add-ins only the last row (Add-ins Manager) and a normal window of Excell without added menus as in the screenshot above. I repeat in this case you cannot close Excel normaly but using the Windows Task Manager.

I don't know what is the reason of this phenomenon but after repairing the Robot it disappear.

run also : EsopSetup.exe directly from directory it was installed
with marked :
1. Operation -> Register
2. Components -> fill all three fields
3. Run SC after close
4. Apply&Close

....It should help :preved:
@mm230990 i followed your instructions but it is still not working
I can`t see this excel sheet link. Where is the link? Where can I download an excel programs link.

Thank you in advance.
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