05-18-2010, 05:16 PM
Slab and Wall Form Design Spreadsheets according to ACI Code
![[Image: info.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/info.png)
William C. Epstein, professor of construction management at California Polytechnic State University, has developed interactive spreadsheets for design of formwork components following procedures outlined in Chapter 6 of ACI SP-4, “Formwork for Concrete,” 7th edition. One spreadsheet deals with forms for elevated slabs, and the other with wall forms. These spreadsheets were created as a teaching and learning tool, and are in no way intended to supplant the qualified engineer or designer to whom formwork planning should be entrusted.
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/Download.png)
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