Dear E123:
Interesting Book, but searching no more than two minutes, you can find the Cover and other additional information. And using the PostGen the whole Post quality is improve. The next time, please just follow the Forum rules.
Building Without Borders: Sustainable Construction for the Global Village
![[Image: info.png]](
Joe Kennedy - Building Without Borders: Sustainable Construction for the Global Village
# Publisher: New Society Publishers (February 1, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0865714819
# ISBN-13: 978-0865714816
# Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 8.3 x 0.6 inches
Product Description
Building Without Borders describes pioneering efforts to create sustainable shelter for billions currently under-housed. It surveys projects around the world that are housing the homeless without destroying natural habitats to do so, by drawing upon local traditions such as bamboo, straw bale and earthen construction.
Highly illustrated and popular in style, it includes case studies, technical information, and the latest thinking on truly sustainable construction, and advocates education and training as the means to empower local peoples to create houses for themselves.
Joseph F. Kennedy cofounded Builders Without Borders, an international consortium of natural builders and architects serving homeless and under-housed populations. He teaches ecological design and natural building at New College of California, and co-edited The Art of Natural Building.
About the Author
Joseph F Kennedy co-founded Builders Without Borders, an international consortium of natural builders and architects serving homeless and under-housed populations. He teaches ecological design and natural building at New College of California, and co-edited The Art of Natural Building.
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