Hello friends,
I am asking for your help, as i would like to learn how to perform a pushover analysis in Etabs (let's say on a simple metal structure, and on a RC frame structure).
Please if someone could post a .pdf with the steps,or an example, i would be very very grateful.
Many thanks.
(05-15-2010, 07:41 PM)elle Wrote: [ -> ]Hello friends,
I am asking for your help, as i would like to learn how to perform a pushover analysis in Etabs . . . . .
Performing Pushover Analysis in ETABS
![[Image: info.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/info.png)
Power point presentation in performing pushover analysis in ETABS. (Limited to 10 downloads)
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Hello there my friends
I did a pushover analysis in ETABS for a steel structure.
I am asking for your help again as i want to make a push for a RC frame structure.So my question is..i am not familiar with Design/Check...
When i Define the frame sections, in the Reinforcement data..do i have to delect Design or check? After i make the analysis what should i verify in the Design-Concrete Frame Design Menu?
Please, if you could explain.
Thank you very much!!!
Dear friend,
That Design/check feature in section properties is about column design, whether you want to define rebars and get utilizing factor or you would like to get the required steel area . It has got nothing to do with analysis ! so, dont confuse it with pushover analysis.
You can check any of those options, dont worry !
Good luck
Dear friends,
I want to add somthing I think I understood about concrete design: first of all, you have to go to:
design/concrete frame design - view/revise preference and put the design code you need.
then after running your model with the defined load combo (sap 14 permits to define default design combos according to your country code: UBC, ACI, Eurocode...), you can design your frame. you go to :
design/concrete frame design - select design combos (you specify your combos design)
design/concrete frame design - start design/check of structure
you'll get the reinforcing areas in display info.
Now you can verify that the frame section is enough by going to
design/concrete frame design - verify all members passed,
If it's ok then your section is enough, otherwise, sap will note the unsufficient section with OS and then you have to define larger frame section for those element, re-analyse and re-design your structure.
Hope it helps you.
Ok i got it...but when i run the pushover analysis i get a warning message..'could not start nonlin static case pushx(as i defined it), the previous nonlin static case did not complete successfully.What am i doing wrong? I The previous case i defined is a dead case, where i loaded to level displayed by pattern, and i monitor UZ.
I think that some beams or columns did not passed the concrete design and need to be reveised.
The static non linear case for dead load didn't succeed, and the structure failed (became a mecanism) at this stade, so the program can't apply pushx. you have to check again your model/design.
if you can share your model, may be i'l try to see it with you.
I think it's from the frame nonlinear hinge properties i defined for the columns. I want need to work according to Eurocode 2, and i have to make my PMM user defined. That's the problem,ad i don't know how to define the PMM curve about Ec2. When i modified and i chose ACI with phi factor, it completed successfuly.
hazus, the link to my edb:
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Dear friend, the best way I found to generate such PMM user difined according to EC2 is to use those spreadsheet :
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The book to understand those curves is posted here in the forum by pezhmankhan
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I'll take a look and will help as I can.