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I am looking for a book in which i can find the methods of damage detection in building structures with numerical examples. I am working on application of vibration control in structure health monitoring of building structures. So anyone who have such stuff related to model updating, damage detection.....thanks
Please specify the book and be specific in your subject . I have found these link on the forum
I hope they are usefull to you . I have quite a material regarding your subject of interest I'll post some of it later in the week but it is difficult to find numerical example oriented problem for this research subject .I have material related to vibration control and damage analysis , i have to search my system and upload it here . As i said i'll be uploading in later in the week

Structural Health Monitoring
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Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring
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Guidelines for structural Health Monitoring
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Spectral Finite Element Method: Wave Propagation, Diagnostics and Control in Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Structures (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics)
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Like i told you i have posted two books here you can see
my uploads :

Vibration With Control
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Dynamic Methods for Damage Detection in Structures
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I more of these on the forum
Vibration Control of Active Structures: An Introduction
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Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications
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Passive and Active Structural Vibration Control in Civil Engineering
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Active Control of Structures
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Passive Vibration Control
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I have many books related to your research subject . If i get more time in the week i'll post them here . Since you want some books which give numerical examples some of the books are having supproting websites with matlab code i hope u must be using matlab .
I acknowledge your concern, i have check the links, these are good but unfortunately not much related to my topic of concern. I have the manual of structure health monitoring guidelines. I am looking for the following books
1. structure health in civil engineering by ettouney
2. response spectrum method by gupta
3. Structural sensing, health monitoring and performance evaluation by huston.
Basically i have the theoretical material related to parameter identification of original building, modelling of building with semi active friction dampers, local feedback control strategy,global feedback control strategy,damage detection...equations are too long and difficult to a book explaining these equations with examples can proved to be very helpful..
One more thing how i can determine the damage in the modelled building without using sensors...? i want to quantify the parameters interms of frequency, displacement, velocity, acceleration etc.
Basically i am looking for a book to compute/find damage in the building without using sensors...! Secondly guide me about local feedback control strategy, global feedback control strategy,kalman filter...i have theoretical background and books related to these but want a numerical solutions...!