Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Cantilever Retaining Wall - General
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Cantilever Retaining Wall - General

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Some own examples of cantilever retaining wall, starting from 0,80 meters and ending in 4,40 meters, in 40 centimeters intervals

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It is very useful! Can you share your calculation sheet for everyone?
Because retaining wall is very difficult to design!
Dear Tranca,

I do believe that one useful detailed calculation sheet, for this examples especificaly, must be the MIDAS SET app.
Please, follow in:
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On other hand, I suggest too that you use our search engine and, in book section, search for "Retaining wall". There´s a lot of good books related!

I removed all notes of the drawing (the aim is only be a reference) but it´s important know that this design is for soil with minimum support capacity >= 20 N/cm² (2 kgf/cm²)


Dell Brett

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mod, please merge this thread with the following;

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they have the same material