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Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation

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Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 0792373510 | edition 2001 | PDF | 557 pages | 14,7 mb

Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation is the only available book that extends the classical field of fluid dynamics into the realm of scientific computing in a way that is both comprehensive and accessible to the beginner. The theory of fluid dynamics, and the implementation of solution procedures into numerical algorithms, are discussed hand-in-hand and with reference to computer programming. This book serves as an introductory course in fluid mechanics, covering traditional topics in a way that unifies theory, computation, computer programming, and numerical simulation. The approach is truly introductory, in the sense that few prerequisites are required. The audience includes not only advanced undergraduate and entry-level graduate students, but also a broad class of scientists and engineers with a general interest in scientific computing.

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