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- CSA A23.1-14/A23.2-14 Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction / Test (0 Replies)
- ISO 6897:1984 Guidelines for the evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed st (2 Replies)
- Effect of FRP composites on buckling capacity of anchored steel tanks (2 Replies)
- Pavement Analysis (By Per Ullidtz) (0 Replies)
- BS 6079 (0 Replies)
- SDI Composite Steel Deck Design Handbook (2 Replies)
- Unified Design of Steel Structures 2nd Edition (1 Reply)
- Structural Steel Designer's Handbook, Fifth Edition (0 Replies)
- EN 22477-5 Geotechnical Investigation and Testing - Part 5 (1 Reply)
- CEB Bulletin No. 233: Design of Fastenings in Concrete (0 Replies)
- FIB B60 - Prefabrication for Affordable Housing (0 Replies)
- Physics and Mechanics of Soil Liquefaction (0 Replies)
- Epanet and Development: A progressive 44 exercise workbook (1 Reply)
- ACI 440.9R-15 Guide to Accelerated Conditioning Protocols for Durability Assessment o (0 Replies)
- EN 1090 (6 Replies)
- Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis (1 Reply)
- Peat Stabilization (0 Replies)
- DIN 4150 IN ENGLISH (2 Replies)
- ASTM A1067M-12a-Standard Specification for Test Coupons for Steel Castings (1 Reply)
- Steel Design Textbook in SI units (1 Reply)