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Full Version: British Standards (BS)
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British Standards (BS)

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  1. BS EN 361:2002 Personal protective equipment against falls from a height. Full body h (2 Replies)
  2. BS EN ISO 9453 2006 Soft solder alloys. Chemical compositions and forms (2 Replies)
  3. BS EN ISO 18279:2003 Brazing. Imperfections in brazed joints (2 Replies)
  4. BS 644:2009 Timber windows. Fully finished factory-assembled windows of various types (2 Replies)
  5. BS 8887 Series - Design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life proces (2 Replies)
  6. BS EN 15743:2010 Supersulfated cement. Composition, specifications and conformity cri (2 Replies)
  7. BS EN 634 Cement-bonded particle boards (2 Replies)
  8. BS EN 633:1994 Cement-bonded particleboards. Definition and classification (2 Replies)
  9. BS EN 14755:2005 Extruded particleboards. Specifications (2 Replies)
  10. BS EN 1087-1:1995 Particle boards. Determination of moisture resistance (2 Replies)
  11. BS EN 309:2005 Particleboards. Definition and classification (2 Replies)
  12. BS EN 1365 series Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements (2 Replies)
  13. BS 5839 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings (1 Reply)
  14. BS EN 14695:2010 Flexible sheets for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  15. BS EN 15812:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  16. BS EN 15813:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  17. BS EN 15815:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  18. BS EN 15816:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  19. BS EN 15817:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
  20. BS EN 15818:2011 Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (1 Reply)
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