Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: The cost of Steel Structure around the World
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Dear Friends,

I need the cost which is paid for steel structures per metric tone including:

1- The cost of steel,
2- The cost of fabrication and one coat primer,
3- The cost of erection.

I have these for Iran, and I need it for where you live, especially North & South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

I will be so happy if anyone can help me for this study.
Reference costs in South America (Brazil):

1- The cost of steel = US$ 1,15 / kg
2- The cost of fabrication and one coat primer = US$ 0.95 / kg
3- The cost of erection = US$ 0.65 / kg

All prices are APPROXIMATED. Depends the total weight and the complexity.
All prices are in US Dollar (Not in Brazilian Reais ===> 1,00 US = 3,35 R$)

Zone: South America
Country: Costa Rica, Central America

1. Cost of Steel : $ 1.01/ Kg (US$)
2. Cost of fabrication : $ 0.82 /Kg (US$)
3. Cost of Erection : $ 0.57 / kg (US$)


Mario A. Tioli D. PE