Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Some Suggestion
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Dear Admin, I have some suggestion.

  1. Thanks Button

    Look at image below, There are too many user say thanks. This is quite annoying. For me, I'm not working because I want to receive thanks from user.
    I am share what I can share because I love to share, not because Thanks button.
    My suggestion is, If amount of user say thanks more than 1 line of screen or more than specific amount, than It should be HIDE automatically. Maybe you can add a button like drop down list if someone want to know who say thanks.

    [Image: 65908726703012009329.png]

  2. Delete Button

    [Image: 14436709205551014436.png]

    As you can see, If I want to full edit my post, the is a delete button. Even if I check the button then update my post, my post will not delete. I think, this button should be only available for Moderator and not for all user.

  3. Register and Unregister User

    If you see at the top of home page, There is a link "How To Active your Account" with blue backcolor. My account have been activated, so I don't need this button anymore, and should be visible only for unantivated and unregister user.

  4. Hiding Some section from unregisted user

    I just clear all cookie from my browser then I try to access CivilEA. Now, It's quite different when I decide to donate CivilEA to join this great forum. All section now appear with some limitation. Let's take closer to some Sub Section.
    Engineering Problem
    If I am a guest, Then I have full access to this section. That's all user need(unregisted, not activated, and activate user). I suggest you to, Show first post(problem) then hide all post below it(answer of question).

    Civil Engineering MediaMedia > Civil Engineering Photos
    Guest user have full access to this section. I suggest to hide first post, then show other post.

That's all, I am sorry if this post annoying for others...

thank you for attention.

(12-26-2011, 05:34 PM)mybest Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Admin, I have some suggestion.

[*]Thanks Button

this is special post that contain a lot of thanks, ordinary post have limited thanks, any way base on limitation in this plug-in we can only visible or invisible it. we can change some code on it to be minimize by default. we want to discuss about it more and know other users opinion.

Quote:[*] Delete Button

all user can edit their post till 30 minutes after posting. after this time they can not. also delete function not work for them.

Quote:[*] Register and Unregister User
I agree with you and we are working on it to solve this problem.Wink

Quote:[*] Hiding Some section from unregisted user
according to our new policy and prevent to register more users that want see forum once and never back here, we made visible almost all forum for all users, we hide from them all text inside code tags and new tag that show with yellow star in editor call hide tag,
I`m agree with you. by your suggestion and also other users will be made invisible some important content from not registered users