Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Donation Problems
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Dear users,

if you have any problem or question about donation you can post here.
feel free to tell us.

CivilEA Staff
Hi Admin!
I'm ready to pay for the forum but I don't have any card for this.Any other way for the payment...
(04-13-2011, 08:44 PM)Petrit Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Admin!
I'm ready to pay for the forum but I don't have any card for this.Any other way for the payment...

we don`t have another account, with paypal you can transfer money from creditcard/visa/...
for user in iran we received donations from SHETAB too...

Dear Admin,

You'd included me as donor, but my name isn't in the list.
It isn't important for me this recognition, but I do believe that the moderators must be an example, much more than the time that us spend here.

My kindly regards

Dell Brett
Dear Dell

your name is in list of donor (see #7)
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
Moderating Level is different with donor, here is active because of our moderators work,

Dear Admin,

I want to donate but is it safe to donate here by visa card? im just asking and im proud to be a member of civilea. please guide.

More powers and hope this forum be alive forever.
When you make a payment or send money, PayPal uses your PayPal balance first to cover the payment. If your PayPal balance doesn't cover the transaction the credit card or debit card you linked to your PayPal account will be used for the payment.

From PayPal site:

PayPal is designed from the ground up to be one of the safest ways to send money online. Unlike other financial institutions, our payments are sent without sharing financial information. In fact, PayPal never shares your financial information with or sells it to merchants.

1.Your sensitive financial information is securely stored on our servers.
2.When you use PayPal to pay online, you provide only your PayPal email address.
3.The merchants/retailers receive payment from PayPal without ever seeing your financial information.

•To help safeguard you against identity theft, every PayPal payment is followed by an email confirming your transaction.

Don't care about your visa card but save your identity (email) and the PayPal password of your account. Your email is the unique identifier (like a bank account number) in the PayPal system.

if you haven't founds in your balance add a credit card, pay and if you are worried remove it after the transaction.
I make the payment, but not as you register, your receipt number for this payment is: 4940-8290-4842-2213.
(09-15-2011, 09:05 PM)gacella Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I make the payment, but not as you register, your receipt number for this payment is: 4940-8290-4842-2213.
your account upgraded.
I want to donate but my country Macedonia is not supported by paypal. So I have an account on which accepts Macedonia so is there a way to donate or can you make an account on moneybookers so people in countries that dont have Paypal can donate without problems. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
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